Bullards Bridge Gorse Removal Project
Bullards Bridge Gorse Removal Project
Stopping the spread of gores is essential to safeguard economic, environmental, and culturally significant lands. If left untreated, gorse can produce up to 500 seeds per square yard each year. A continuous mature stand of gorse can generate a seed bank containing 250 million seeds/acre. Coming in September, the Gorse Action Group and our Partners are joining forces up tackle one of those "mature stands" at the north and south ends of Bullards Bridge, Bandon, Oregon.
This project is one of many gorse removal collaborations along southern coastal Oregon, where public and private landowners come together to share resources to control the spread of gorse and restore our working lands.
The Bullards Bridge Gorse Removal Project is well underway. The Gorse Action Group and our partners are working together to remove gorse on both the south and north ends of the bridge. In September 2018, the Oregon Department of Transportation provided flaggers and loading/trucking/litter removal. Jensen's Tree Service removed the gorse from the HWY 101 Right of Way and on private land at the north end of the Bridge. By-the-Sea Gardens provided direction, supervision, and coordination for the Shutter Creek Crews. Shutter Creek Crews removed 10-30 gallons bag of trash, litter, and flotsam from Port of Bandon, USFW and ODOT land. At the south end, the Crew removed 25-30 gallon bags of trash, litter, and flotsam from the north end. Shutter Creek Chainsaw Crews saw cut and hauled approximately 375 cubic yards of mature gorse from the project area! Thank you to all of the partners who was involved with the removal process.
For more information on gorse removal and/or about the Bullards Bridge Gorse Removal Project email us at [email protected] Or call us at 541-435-1731.
- Jensen's Tree Service removing Gorse from the north side of Right Of Way along Bullards Bridge.
- Last trip of Bullards Ferry mid 1950's
- Bullards Bridge and flowering gorse.
- View of Bullards Bridge from south end.
- Removing old growth gorse along the Right Away along north end of Bullards Bridge, Bandon, Coos County, OR.
- Bullards Bridge was name after the Bullard family, who were some of the original settlers of the area.
- Before the bridge was constructed Bullards Ferry would carry people and cargo across the Coquille River.
- South end of Bullards Bridge.
- South side Gorse manual removal.
- Thank you to Liza of By-The-Sea-Gardens, ODOT, OSPR, WRCA and Shutters Creek for their work and support on the south end of Bullards Bridge.